Party Building Activities
Party Building | Jinpeng Family (Hengqin) Joint Law Firm Party Branch Learning and Understanding the Spirit of the 20th National Congress Report of the Communist Party of China
On November 11, 2022, the Party branch of our firm convened all party members and invited lawyers from the Wu family in Macau, lawyers from the Guangdong Hong Kong Macao Greater Bay Area, and colleagues from the Macau family law firm to jointly study and understand the report of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China titled "Holding High the Great Flag of Socialism with Chinese Characteristics and Solidarity and Struggle for the Comprehensive Construction of a Socialist Modernized Country".
Special Training on "Being a Good Lawyer Satisfied by the Party and the People"
For the purposes of further strengthening the construction of professional ethics for lawyers, regulating their practice, preventing their practice risks, and being good lawyers to the satisfaction of the Party and the people, the law firm organized a special study for all lawyers and trainee lawyers in the afternoon of May 12, in which Liu Shenghua, secretary of the Party branch and senior partner of the law firm, was the lecturer on professional ethics and codes of conduct for lawyers.
Party Building | Party Branch of Jinpeng Jiayi (Hengqin) Joint Law Firm Organized Party Building Activities on the theme of "July 1"
For the purposes of celebrating the 102nd anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China, thoroughly studying and implementing the spirit of the Twentieth National Congress of the Communist Party of China, and comprehensively strengthening the building of lawyers'ranks, on the morning of June 30, 2023, the Party Branch of Jinpeng Jiayi (Hengqin) Joint Law Firm carried out Party building activities on the theme of "July 1". Lawyer Liu Shenghua, Secretary of the Party Branch of our firm, organized and led Party members and lawyers to visit Lin Weimin, the Museum of Historical Sites of Early Chinese Workers' Movement and the Jinwan Museum, and studied and deepened the theme activity of "being a good lawyer to the satisfaction of the Party and the people".
Jinpeng Jiayi (Hengqin) Joint Law Firm conveys, studies and implements the spirit of the Symposium on "Being a Good Lawyer Satisfied by the Party and the People" of the Party Group of the Ministry of Justice
On the afternoon of August 15, 2023, Jinpeng Jiayi Law Firm organized a meeting to convey, study and implement the spirit of the Symposium on "Being a Good Lawyer Satisfied by the Party and the People" of the Party Group of the Ministry of Justice, and the whole firm jointly discussed and discussed the implementation measures in depth. The meeting was jointly presided over by the director of the law firm, lawyer Xie Peina, and the secretary of the Party branch, lawyer Liu Shenghua.