Party Building | Party Branch of Jinpeng Jiayi (Hengqin) Joint Law Firm Organized Party Building Activities on the theme of "July 1"

For the purposes of celebrating the 102nd anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China, thoroughly studying and implementing the spirit of the Twentieth National Congress of the Communist Party of China, and comprehensively strengthening the building of lawyers'ranks, on the morning of June 30, 2023, the Party Branch of Jinpeng Jiayi (Hengqin) Joint Law Firm carried out Party building activities on the theme of "July 1". Lawyer Liu Shenghua, Secretary of the Party Branch of our firm, organized and led Party members and lawyers to visit Lin Weimin, the Museum of Historical Sites of Early Chinese Workers' Movement and the Jinwan Museum, and studied and deepened the theme activity of "being a good lawyer to the satisfaction of the Party and the people".


Lin Weimin is an outstanding representative of the Chinese working class. The workers' movement he organized and led strived for reasonable rights and interests for workers, effectively attacked the imperialist forces, and was an outstanding leader of the early workers' movement in China. The Chinese Workers' Movement has developed under the direct leadership of the Communist Party of China, has always been closely related to the great cause led by the Party, and has always taken the realization of the objectives established by the Party in different historical periods as its historical mission.

After joining the Communist Party of China, Lin Weimin worked hard for the cause of the Party all his life. He was committed to the workers' movement and the cause of people's liberation, and established a glorious image of a Communist Party member with the masses in mind. During the process of collective visit and study, Party members and comrades conscientiously studied the background and history of the early workers' movement in China by watching historical relics, pictures, videos, documents and other historical materials of Chinese workers. The spirit of fearing hardships and sacrifices, daring to struggle and selfless dedication of the ancestors of Chinese workers is deeply depicted in the hearts of Party members and comrades.


Through this visit, we all said that we should remember history and learn from the iron and steel spirit of Chinese workers who are not afraid of strong enemies. Party members should play a vanguard and exemplary role with full enthusiasm, be good lawyers to the satisfaction of the Party and the people, not forget their original intentions, forge ahead, and take practical actions to contribute to the construction of the socialist rule of law, not to lose sight of the times and the people.