Special Training on "Being a Good Lawyer Satisfied by the Party and the People"

For the purposes of further strengthening the construction of professional ethics for lawyers, regulating their practice, preventing their practice risks, and being good lawyers to the satisfaction of the Party and the people, the law firm organized a special study for all lawyers and trainee lawyers in the afternoon of May 12, in which Liu Shenghua, secretary of the Party branch and senior partner of the law firm, was the lecturer on professional ethics and codes of conduct for lawyers.


Lawyer Liu Shenghua first emphasized the necessity and importance of this training, and asked everyone to attach great importance to the importance of the construction of lawyers' professional ethics from an ideological perspective. Lawyers' professional ethics are related to the quality and life of lawyers' work. Lawyers must be moral, moral and rule-based, practice in good faith according to law, safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of the parties according to law, safeguard the correct implementation of the law and safeguard social fairness and justice.


Lawyer Liu Shenghua talks about the importance and necessity of the construction of lawyers' professional ethics, the main contents of the construction of lawyers' professional ethics, the code of conduct for lawyers, the problem of risk agency fees and punishment. Through this special study, we will further standardize the practice of lawyers and enhance their awareness of risk prevention in practice. Lawyer Liu Shenghua requires all lawyers to safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of the parties according to law, to practice in good faith according to law, to be both professional and moral, and to be good lawyers to the satisfaction of the Party and the people.