Bai Suo Xing Bai Cun Zhuhai Lawyers in Action Series Report (2)

On August 19, 2022, Lawyer Huang Hongfang gave a lecture on "Inheritance and Wills of the Civil Code" to the general public during a series of activities on promoting the Party's policies and practices in the new era of civilization in Xiangzhou District, Zhuhai. He also held a special lecture on "Inheritance and Wills of the Civil Code" to promote relevant policies and regulations.
On October 26th, Lawyer Huang walked into Haixia Community in Xiangwan Street to provide training for the elderly. She used easy to understand language to provide a detailed interpretation of the significance, highlights, and key points closely related to people's lives of the Civil Code. She explained the marriage system, inheritance methods, and other aspects through case interpretation. Through learning, the awareness of the rule of law among the community has been further enhanced, and the concept of seeking justice in times of trouble has been strengthened.
On November 11th, Lawyer Huang Hongfang was invited to enter the Lianhua Community to popularize legal knowledge related to domestic violence through a combination of online and offline methods, effectively preventing and stopping domestic violence. By watching videos and distributing materials, Lawyer Huang patiently explains hot clauses to everyone in combination with laws and regulations, providing precise explanations from multiple dimensions and levels, and informing everyone on how to protect their own rights and build a harmonious family atmosphere.

Source: Zhuhai Lawyers Association