Our Office Becomes the Legislative Grass-roots Contact Point of the Zhuhai Judicial Bureau Government


For the purposes of giving better play to the role of bridge and link of grass-roots government legislative contact points, further improving the quality of government legislative work, accelerating the construction of a scientific, democratic and law-based legislative mechanism and system, and better giving play to the normative and guiding role of government legislation in administrative management and social governance, the Zhuhai Judicial Bureau held an exchange forum on the work of grass-roots government legislative contact points at the Zhuhai Foreign-related Public Legal Service Center on the afternoon of May 30, 2023. The symposiums were attended by Li Kai, Deputy Director of the Zhuhai Judicial Bureau, Wu Zhen, Executive Director and Director of the Foreign-related Center, Wang Weina, Chief of the First Legislative Section of the Zhuhai Judicial Bureau, Li Yuan, Deputy Chief of the First Legislative Section of the Zhuhai Judicial Bureau, and other leaders. The director of the Institute, Mr. Xie Peina, and the senior partner, Mr. Liu Shenghua, were invited to attend the exchange forum.

Before the Symposium, Li Kai, Deputy Director of the Zhuhai Judicial Bureau, and lawyer Xie Peina, Director of the Institute, held a signing and licensing ceremony.

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During the forum, we discussed how to give full play to the advantages of joint ventures and do a good job in the work of grass-roots contact points for government legislation with high standards.


Finally, Li Kai, Deputy Director of the Zhuhai Judicial Bureau, made a summary and instructions: he emphasized that the establishment of grass-roots contact points for legislation is a powerful measure for the Zhuhai Judicial Bureau to better listen to the opinions of grass-roots organizations and the masses on the administrative and legislative work of our city, ensure the scientificity and democracy of administrative and legislative work, and improve the quality of administrative and legislative work. He requested that the grass-roots contact points of legislation should do a good job in bridging the links between the legislature and the grass-roots masses, combine the continuous solicitation of opinions with the publicity of the laws, regulations, principles and policies of the Party and the state, ensure the orderly participation of social citizens in administrative legislation, better reflect the wishes of the people, and make contributions to the construction of a modern city ruled by law in our city.
